Robotran Matlab Documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Cbase_structInformation relative to the base (inertial frame)
 Ccount_structStructure containing the number of element of the system
 Ceigenvalue_structEigen value strucuture
 Ceigenvector_structEigen vector strucuture
 Cextforce_structExtenal force structure
 CMBS_dataMBS data structure
 CMBS_dirdynMBS direct dynamics structure
 CMBS_dirdyn_optMBS direct dynamics option structure
 CMBS_equilMBS equilibrium structure
 CMBS_equil_optMBS equilibrium option structure
 CMBS_infoThis structure contains the set of description information of the articulated system
 CMBS_invdynMBS inverse dynamics structure
 CMBS_invdyn_optMBS inverse dynamics option structure
 CMBS_modalMBS modal anaylsis structure
 CMBS_modal_optMBS modal analysis option structure
 CMBS_partMBS partitioning structure
 CMBS_part_optMBS partitioning option structure
 CMBS_solvekinMBS kinematics structure
 CMBS_solvekin_optMBS kinematics option structure
 Cmy_bodyStructure containing data for the body 'my_body'
 Cmy_cutStructure containing all the data relative to the cut 'my_cut'
 Cmy_jointStructure containing all the data relative to the joint 'my_joint'
 Cmy_linkStructure containing all the data relative to the link 'my_link'
 Cmy_pointPoint structure containing data for the point 'my_point'
 Cmy_user_modelStructure containing all the data relative to the user model 'my_user_model'
 Csensor_structSensor structure
 Cwheel_structWheel structure