Robotran C Documentation
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20 #define SF_N_USER_INPUT 0
21 #define SF_N_USER_OUTPUT 0
MbsDirdyn * mbs_new_dirdyn(MbsData *mbs_data)
Create a new direct dynamic structure.
Definition: mbs_dirdyn.c:42
MbsInvOptions * options
Structure defining the option of a inverse kinematic analysis.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:174
double *** dSWr_dq
The derivative matrices of each external force MbsData::SWr vector according to the independent joint...
Definition: mbs_data.h:224
double Fspring
Definition: user_IO.h:27
int user_cons_J_accelred(MbsData *s, double tsim)
Close the user-specified constraints and compute the Jacobian of the constraints vector.
Definition: user_cons_J_accelred.c:16
void mbs_msg(const char *msg,...)
Send a message.
Definition: mbs_message.c:87
int * xfidpt
Array of the points defined as force application points.
Definition: mbs_data.h:364
int set_mbs_to_output(MbsData *mbs_data)
Set the value of this buffers from MbsData to use another module memory.
Definition: set_output.c:48
General structure of the inverse dynamics module.
Definition: mbs_invdyn_struct.h:27
double *** dSWr_dqd
The derivative matrices of each external force MbsData::SWr vector according to the independent joint...
Definition: mbs_data.h:226
Contains information about UserIO.
Definition: mbs_user_interface.h:32
void mbs_delete_data(MbsData *s)
Free the memory used by the given MbsData structure.
Definition: mbs_loader.c:2144
void user_dirdyn_finish(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd)
user own finishing functions
Definition: user_dirdyn.c:59
void mbs_delete_modal(MbsModal *mo, MbsData *s)
Free the MbsModal structure (pointers table, ...)
Definition: mbs_modal.c:698
double mode_ampl
amplification factor for the animation of the modes, application dependent [default = 0....
Definition: mbs_modal_struct.h:26
void mbs_delete_invdyn(MbsInvdyn *invdyn, MbsData *mbs_data)
Free memory of the inverse dynamic structure The options (MbsInvOptions) and MbsAux structures are al...
Definition: mbs_invdyn.c:88
int save_result
no = 0, yes = 1, flag to save the modal results summary [default = 1]
Definition: mbs_modal_struct.h:18
void user_invdyn_init(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsInvdyn *mbs_invdyn)
Definition: user_invdyn.c:16
int mbs_run_dirdyn(MbsDirdyn *dd, MbsData *mbs_data)
Run the direct dynamic simulation.
Definition: mbs_dirdyn.c:320
int verbose
Verbosity level propagated to other compatible module:
Definition: mbs_equil_struct.h:13
Declaration of functions that are project dependent.
char * trajectoryqddname
Give the path and filename (with extention) to the file containing the input trajectory in accelerati...
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:73
int method
fsolvepk = 1, other method to be added. [default = 1]
Definition: mbs_equil_struct.h:11
double * user_ExtForces_dqd(double PxF[4], double d_PxF[4], double RxF[4][4], double d_RxF[4][4], double VxF[4], double d_VxF[4], double OMxF[4], double d_OMxF[4], double AxF[4], double d_AxF[4], double OMPxF[4], double d_OMPxF[4], MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim, int i_force, int i_joint)
Compute the partial derivative of an user-specified external force with respect to a generalized velo...
Definition: user_ExtForces_deriv.c:59
UserIO * mbs_new_user_IO(UserIoInfo *ioInfo)
Definition: user_IO.c:26
MbsPartOptions * options
Structure containing the options for coordinate partitioning module.
Definition: mbs_part.h:66
General structure of the inverse kinematics module.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:170
int mbs_run_part(MbsPart *mbs_part, MbsData *mbs_data)
Main function of the coordinate partitioning module.
Definition: mbs_part.c:580
MbsData * mbs_load(const char *mbs_filename)
Load the data from the given multibody file.
Definition: mbs_loader.c:25
double dt
Time step, default = 0.001.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:86
int verbose
Verbosity level propagated to other compatible module:
Definition: mbs_modal_struct.h:20
double ** jac_user
Jacobian of constraints [nqv x njoint] (starting at 1), only used in symbolic accelred,...
Definition: mbs_data.h:329
MbsDp * mbs_dp
Structure to store the matrix of tangent analysis (symbolic).
Definition: mbs_data.h:428
void user_invdyn_loop(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsInvdyn *mbs_invdyn)
Definition: user_invdyn.c:21
void mbs_delete_dirdyn(MbsDirdyn *dirdyn, MbsData *mbs_data)
Free memory of the direct dynamic structure The options (MbsDirdynOptions) and MbsAux structures are ...
Definition: mbs_dirdyn.c:273
MbsModalOptions * options
Definition: mbs_modal_struct.h:102
void user_Derivative(MbsData *mbs_data)
Compute the time derivative of the user state variables defined in the user model.
Definition: user_Derivative.c:15
int motion
Determines how the evolution of q, qd qdd are provided.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:40
int framerate
Number of frame per second for the .anim file, default = 1000.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:130
double ** SWr
Array of Swr vector for each external forces.
Definition: mbs_data.h:365
int save2file
Determine whether results are written to files on disk (in resultsR folder): 1: results are saved 0: ...
Definition: mbs_dirdyn_struct.h:51
void mbs_save_user_IO(FILE *stream, UserIO *uio)
Definition: user_IO.c:54
double t0
Initial time of the simulation, default = 0.0.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:76
double ** dSWr_dp
The derivative matrices of each external force MbsData::SWr vector according to the specified paramet...
Definition: mbs_data.h:230
double dt0
initial value of the integration step size, default = 0.001
Definition: mbs_dirdyn_struct.h:45
MbsEquilOptions * options
structure defining the option of a equilibrium
Definition: mbs_equil_struct.h:105
double *** dSWr_dqdd
The derivative matrices of each external force MbsData::SWr vector according to the independent joint...
Definition: mbs_data.h:228
Definition: mbs_equil_struct.h:103
void user_dirdyn_loop(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd)
user own loop functions
Definition: user_dirdyn.c:46
void user_cons_jdqd(double *jdqd, MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim)
Compute the jdqd term of the user-specified constraints.
Definition: user_cons_jdqd.c:15
Main structure for the coordinate partitioning module.
Definition: mbs_part.h:64
char * trajectoryqname
Give the path and filename (with extention) to the file containing the input trajectory in position o...
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:51
void user_equil_finish(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsEquil *mbs_equil)
user own finishing functions
Definition: user_equil.c:53
MbsInvdyn * mbs_new_invdyn(MbsData *mbs_data)
Create a new inverse dynamic structure.
Definition: mbs_invdyn.c:32
void mbs_delete_user_IO(UserIO *uvs)
Definition: user_IO.c:36
void user_equil_loop(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsEquil *mbs_equil)
user own loop functions
Definition: user_equil.c:40
double tf
final time of the simulation, default = 5.0
Definition: mbs_dirdyn_struct.h:43
Definition: mbs_modal_struct.h:100
double * user_ExtForces_dqdd(double PxF[4], double d_PxF[4], double RxF[4][4], double d_RxF[4][4], double VxF[4], double d_VxF[4], double OMxF[4], double d_OMxF[4], double AxF[4], double d_AxF[4], double OMPxF[4], double d_OMPxF[4], MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim, int i_force, int i_joint)
Compute the partial derivative of an user-specified external force with respect to a generalized acce...
Definition: user_ExtForces_deriv.c:101
int save_anim
no = 0, yes = 1, flag to save and generate the animation for the modes [default = 0]
Definition: mbs_modal_struct.h:19
void mbs_delete_equil(MbsEquil *eq, MbsData *s)
Free the Equilibrium structure (pointers table, Equibrium options, ...)
Definition: mbs_equil.c:157
int user_synch_output(MbsData *mbs_data)
Definition: user_IO.c:21
MbsModal * mbs_new_modal(MbsData *s)
Create a new modal structure.
Definition: mbs_modal.c:30
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
Universite catholique de Louvain Mechatronic, Electrical Energy, and Dynamic systems (iMMC/MEED) http...
Definition: _complete_main.c:39
int verbose
Verbosity level of the module, defined in file mbs_define.h.
Definition: mbs_part.h:31
char * trajectoryqdname
Give the path and filename (with extention) to the file containing the input trajectory in velocity o...
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:62
void user_cons_hJ(double *h, double **Jac, MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim)
Compute the user-specified constraint vector and Jacobian.
Definition: user_cons_hJ.c:15
double tf
Final time of the simulation, default = 5.0.
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:79
MbsEquil * mbs_new_equil(MbsData *s)
Allocate the memory for the Equilibrium Options (but not for all the Equilibrium structure) Initializ...
Definition: mbs_equil.c:39
set_output function called by the user to output his own variables
double ** dpt
Array containing the coordinate of all anchor points (3+1 lines, npt+1 columns).
Definition: mbs_data.h:251
void user_invdyn_finish(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsInvdyn *mbs_invdyn)
Definition: user_invdyn.c:27
double * user_ExtForces_dq(double PxF[4], double d_PxF[4], double RxF[4][4], double d_RxF[4][4], double VxF[4], double d_VxF[4], double OMxF[4], double d_OMxF[4], double AxF[4], double d_AxF[4], double OMPxF[4], double d_OMPxF[4], MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim, int i_force, int i_joint)
Compute the partial derivative of an user-specified external force with respect to a generalized coor...
Definition: user_ExtForces_deriv.c:17
Definition: mbs_data.h:247
MbsPart * mbs_new_part(MbsData *mbs_data)
Allocate a new MbsPart structure for the given MbsData structure.
Definition: mbs_part.c:917
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
Universite catholique de Louvain Mechatronic, Electrical Energy, and Dynamic systems (iMMC/MEED) http...
Definition: _simple_main.c:31
int mbs_run_solvekin(MbsSolvekin *sk, MbsData *mbs_data)
Run the inverse kinematic analysis.
Definition: mbs_solvekin.c:128
MbsInvOptions * options
Structure defining the options of a inverse dynamics analysis.
Definition: mbs_invdyn_struct.h:31
int process
Flag that indicate which module is currently running (1=partitioning, 2=equilibrium,...
Definition: mbs_data.h:407
void mbs_delete_part(MbsPart *mbs_part)
Free the memory of the given MbsPart structure.
Definition: mbs_part.c:942
@ oneshot
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:25
double senstol
tolerance for testing a variable non-sensitivity [default = 1e-6]
Definition: mbs_equil_struct.h:65
int mbs_run_modal(MbsModal *mo, MbsData *s)
Run the Modal Analysis.
Definition: mbs_modal.c:108
This header defines specific integrators functions in C.
int mbs_run_equil(MbsEquil *eq, MbsData *s)
Run the Equilibrium process.
Definition: mbs_equil.c:248
void user_equil_init(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsEquil *mbs_equil)
user own initialization functions
Definition: user_equil.c:27
int rowperm
Flag to allow lines permutations: 0 no permutation (default).
Definition: mbs_part.h:18
void mbs_print_user_IO(UserIO *uio)
Definition: user_IO.c:49
General structure of the direct dynamic module.
Definition: mbs_dirdyn_struct.h:210
@ trajectory
Definition: mbs_solvekin_struct.h:25
MbsSolvekin * mbs_new_solvekin(MbsData *mbs_data)
Create a new inverse kinematic structure.
Definition: mbs_solvekin.c:33
void user_equil_fxe(MbsData *mbs_data, double *f)
user own implementation of added equilibrium equations Fxe Necessary to express equilibrium f(x)=0
Definition: user_equil.c:65
double * user_ExtForces(double PxF[4], double RxF[4][4], double VxF[4], double OMxF[4], double AxF[4], double OMPxF[4], MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim, int ixF)
Compute an user-specified external force.
Definition: user_ExtForces.c:15
void mbs_delete_solvekin(MbsSolvekin *solvekin, MbsData *mbs_data)
Free memory of the inverse kinematic structure The options (MbsInvOptions) and MbsAux structures are ...
Definition: mbs_solvekin.c:89
MbsDirdynOptions * options
structure defining the option of a direct dynamic
Definition: mbs_dirdyn_struct.h:212
void user_dirdyn_init(MbsData *mbs_data, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd)
user own initialization functions
Definition: user_dirdyn.c:28
double * user_ExtForces_dp(double PxF[4], double d_PxF[4], double RxF[4][4], double d_RxF[4][4], double VxF[4], double d_VxF[4], double OMxF[4], double d_OMxF[4], double AxF[4], double d_AxF[4], double OMPxF[4], double d_OMPxF[4], MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim, int i_force)
Definition: user_ExtForces_deriv.c:143
int mbs_run_invdyn(MbsInvdyn *invd, MbsData *mbs_data)
Run the inverse kinematic analysis.
Definition: mbs_invdyn.c:127
void user_DrivenJoints(MbsData *mbs_data, double tsim)
Compute the positions, velocities and acceleration of driven joint.
Definition: user_DrivenJoints.c:15
void mbs_get_user_IO_size(int *n_in, int *n_out, int *n_user_IO)
Definition: user_IO.c:42