[in] | PxF | position vector (index starting at 1) of the force sensor expressed in the inertial frame: . |
[in] | RxF | rotation matrix (index starting at 1) from the inertial frame to the force sensor frame: |
[in] | VxF | velocity vector (index starting at 1) of the force sensor expressed in the inertial frame: . |
[in] | OMxF | angular velocity vector (index starting at 1) of the force sensor expressed in the inertial frame: . |
[in] | AxF | acceleration vector (index starting at 1) of the force sensor expressed in the inertial frame: . |
[in] | OMPxF | angular acceleration vector (index starting at 1) of the force sensor expressed in the inertial frame: . |
[in,out] | s | the MbsData structure of the model on which the force is computed. Only the values in the array MbsData::SWr at the row ixF should be modified. |
[in] | tsim | the current time of the simulation |
[in] | ixF | the ID identifying the computed force sensor. |