Structure defining the option of a direct dynamic. More...
#include <mbs_dirdyn_struct.h>
Public Attributes | |
double | t0 |
initial time of the simulation, default = 0.0 More... | |
double | tf |
final time of the simulation, default = 5.0 More... | |
double | dt0 |
initial value of the integration step size, default = 0.001 More... | |
int | save2file |
Determine whether results are written to files on disk (in resultsR folder): 1: results are saved 0: results are not saved default = 1. More... | |
char * | resfilename |
The keyword used for determining the name of result files Default: 'dirdyn', or 'oneshot' in case the flag_oneshot is activated. More... | |
char * | respath |
Path in which result file are saved. More... | |
char * | animpath |
Path in which anim file is saved. More... | |
int | save_anim |
1 to save the anim file, 0 otherwise (only valid if 'save2file' is set to 1), default = 1 More... | |
int | save_visu |
1 to save the visualizazion file (as it appears in 'user_realtime_visu.c'), 0 otherwise (only valid if 'save2file' is set to 1), default = 0 More... | |
int | framerate |
number of frame per second for the .anim file, default = 1000 More... | |
int | saveperiod |
The number of time steps between two buffer records default: 1 (every time step are recorded) More... | |
int | max_save_user |
The maximal number of user variables saved default: 12. More... | |
int | buffersize |
The number of time step that can be recorded in the buffer. More... | |
char * | buffer_format |
if NULL, "%e" is used. Can be for instance XXX->options->buffer_format = "%4.7f";. Only for advanced users More... | |
int | realtime |
1 to activate to real-time features, 0 to deactivate them, default = 0 More... | |
int | accelred |
1 to use accelred, 0 otherwise, default = 0 More... | |
int | flag_oneshot |
1 to compute the derivative function only once (no time integration !), default = 0 The time is the value found in the option t0 The default resfilename is changed to 'oneshot'. More... | |
int | flag_compute_Qc |
choose to compute (or not) the Qc for driven variables. More... | |
int | compute_all_uxd |
choose to compute (or not) the user derivative during dirdyn time integration. For dirdyn only. default = 1 More... | |
int * | compute_Qc |
If options-flag_compute_Qc is set to 0, the vector allows to compute only the needed Qc. More... | |
int | integrator |
Set integrator to use, available value: RK4, Dopri5, Rosenbrock, EulerEx, Eulaire, EulerIm, Bader, WMethods, Custom; default=RK4. See integrator.h for more details. More... | |
int | verbose |
Verbosity level propagated to other compatible module: More... | |
int | flag_stop_stiff |
1 to stop integration if it become stiff, 0 (default value) otherwise, default = 0 More... | |
int | flag_precise_dynamics |
= 1 to call the direct dynamics at the beginning of each time step of integration. More... | |
int | flag_baumgarte_stabilization |
1 if user wants baumgarte stabilization of the independant accelerations More... | |
double | baumgarte_alpha |
alpha parameter of baumgarte stabilization (>0), default = 0.1 (1/s) More... | |
double | baumgarte_beta |
beta parameter of baumgarte stabilization (>0), default = 0.1 (1/s) More... | |
int | flag_waypoint |
1 to use waypoints, 0 otherwise, default =0 More... | |
int | flag_solout_wp |
1 to call solout only at required waypoints (only if flag_waypoint activated), default = 0 More... | |
double | delta_t_wp |
time interval between two waypoints [s], default = 1.0e-3 More... | |
int | nmax |
maximal number of steps [-], default = 1e9 More... | |
double | toler |
mixed error tolerances [-], default = 1.0e-3 More... | |
double | rtoler |
relative error tolerances [-], default = 1.0e-3 More... | |
double | atoler |
absolute error tolerances [-], default = 1.0e-6 More... | |
double | dt_max |
maximal time step [s], default = 1.0e-3 More... | |
int | n_freeze |
number of time step when the jacobian is freezed (computed once at the start of the n_freeze time steps), default = 0; More... | |
int | flag_symbolic_jacobian |
1 to use symbolic computation of the jacobian. Only used with implicit integrators. Default is 0. More... | |
int | show_failed_closure |
1 to generate animation of the failed Newton-Raphson procedure, default = 0. More... | |
Structure defining the option of a direct dynamic.
int accelred |
1 to use accelred, 0 otherwise, default = 0
char* animpath |
Path in which anim file is saved.
Default: the animationR folder of the project
double atoler |
absolute error tolerances [-], default = 1.0e-6
double baumgarte_alpha |
alpha parameter of baumgarte stabilization (>0), default = 0.1 (1/s)
double baumgarte_beta |
beta parameter of baumgarte stabilization (>0), default = 0.1 (1/s)
char* buffer_format |
if NULL, "%e" is used. Can be for instance XXX->options->buffer_format = "%4.7f";. Only for advanced users
int buffersize |
The number of time step that can be recorded in the buffer.
Results are written to disk when the buffer is full. default: -1, compute the buffer size for saving results only once at the end according to dt0, t0 and tf.
int compute_all_uxd |
choose to compute (or not) the user derivative during dirdyn time integration. For dirdyn only. default = 1
int* compute_Qc |
If options-flag_compute_Qc is set to 0, the vector allows to compute only the needed Qc.
For dirdyn only. Empty vector by default. If compute_Qc = [njoint 1 0 0 1 0], we will compute Qc(1) and Qc(4) only. length by default to njoint+1, compute_Qc[0] = njoint
double delta_t_wp |
time interval between two waypoints [s], default = 1.0e-3
double dt0 |
initial value of the integration step size, default = 0.001
double dt_max |
maximal time step [s], default = 1.0e-3
int flag_baumgarte_stabilization |
1 if user wants baumgarte stabilization of the independant accelerations
int flag_compute_Qc |
choose to compute (or not) the Qc for driven variables.
For dirdyn only. ==1 by default this allows to go faster
int flag_oneshot |
1 to compute the derivative function only once (no time integration !), default = 0 The time is the value found in the option t0 The default resfilename is changed to 'oneshot'.
It calls the user functions once
int flag_precise_dynamics |
= 1 to call the direct dynamics at the beginning of each time step of integration.
default = 1 Not calling it (flag = 0) will be faster to compute but will create small errors in the results
int flag_solout_wp |
1 to call solout only at required waypoints (only if flag_waypoint activated), default = 0
int flag_stop_stiff |
1 to stop integration if it become stiff, 0 (default value) otherwise, default = 0
int flag_symbolic_jacobian |
1 to use symbolic computation of the jacobian. Only used with implicit integrators. Default is 0.
int flag_waypoint |
1 to use waypoints, 0 otherwise, default =0
int framerate |
number of frame per second for the .anim file, default = 1000
int integrator |
Set integrator to use, available value: RK4, Dopri5, Rosenbrock, EulerEx, Eulaire, EulerIm, Bader, WMethods, Custom; default=RK4. See integrator.h for more details.
int max_save_user |
The maximal number of user variables saved default: 12.
int n_freeze |
number of time step when the jacobian is freezed (computed once at the start of the n_freeze time steps), default = 0;
int nmax |
maximal number of steps [-], default = 1e9
int realtime |
1 to activate to real-time features, 0 to deactivate them, default = 0
char* resfilename |
The keyword used for determining the name of result files Default: 'dirdyn', or 'oneshot' in case the flag_oneshot is activated.
char* respath |
Path in which result file are saved.
Default: the resultsR folder of the project
double rtoler |
relative error tolerances [-], default = 1.0e-3
int save2file |
Determine whether results are written to files on disk (in resultsR folder): 1: results are saved 0: results are not saved default = 1.
int save_anim |
1 to save the anim file, 0 otherwise (only valid if 'save2file' is set to 1), default = 1
int save_visu |
1 to save the visualizazion file (as it appears in 'user_realtime_visu.c'), 0 otherwise (only valid if 'save2file' is set to 1), default = 0
int saveperiod |
The number of time steps between two buffer records default: 1 (every time step are recorded)
int show_failed_closure |
1 to generate animation of the failed Newton-Raphson procedure, default = 0.
double t0 |
initial time of the simulation, default = 0.0
double tf |
final time of the simulation, default = 5.0
double toler |
mixed error tolerances [-], default = 1.0e-3
int verbose |
Verbosity level propagated to other compatible module: