MBsysPy.mbsyspy.utilities.utilities module

Define utility functions for package MBsysPy.


Defines the functions that are not specific to a MBS analysis. Modify the C libraries to get a python compatible behavior.


Convert bytes to str using ‘utf-8’ encoding.

Strings retrived from C-libraries are array of bytes. In python3 (2) strings type is ‘str’ (‘unicode’) with the ‘utf-8’ encoding. The conversion from bytes to str is required to get nice printing message or to compare string from C-libraries to string provided by the user from Python.


message (str or bytes) – Message to be converted, if needed, in ‘str’ type.


Return type

The same message provided byt as a ‘str’ type with ‘utf-8’ encoding


Do nothing, shadow function.

Internal function called when a unloaded function is called.

This is required as calling a function who pointer is ‘None’ (or ‘NULL’ in C) leads to an undefined behavior.


function_name (str) – The name of the function that was called.


Convert numpy floats type to float type.

This is required to ctypes set the C-memory.


value (float-like) – Value that can be any numpy float, and must be converted to float.


value – Same value but in as float type.

Return type



Convert numpy intergers type to int type.

This is required to ctypes set the C-memory.


value (int-like) – Value that can be any numpy integrer, and must be converted to int.


value – Same value but in as int type.

Return type


MBsysPy.mbsyspy.utilities.utilities.define_output_vector(label, size)

Initialize the memory for a vector as output.

This function must be called in the user init function dedicated to an analysis module. The value are defined during the computation thank to the function ‘set_output_vector()’ or ‘set_output_value()’

  • label (str) – The name of the output. It is used as part of the filename and as identifier when filling the values in the output.

  • size (int) – The size of the output vector, which correspond to the maximum value to be saved at each time step.

  • Retuns

  • ——

  • status (int) – The status of the function, negative if an error occurs.


To shut down the current process initialization in case of error, you have to set ‘MbsData.flag_stop’ to 1. Otherwhise the current module will continue ignoring the output.


Print error message from C library in the same pipe than Python.


Print message from C library in the same pipe than Python.


Print warning message from C library in the same pipe than Python.

MBsysPy.mbsyspy.utilities.utilities.set_output(value, label)

Save a value during time integration.

  • value (float) – Value to be saved.

  • label (str) – The name of the output, also used as part as the output filename.

  • Retuns

  • ——

  • status (int) – The status of the function, negative if an error occurs. A value of “-1” means that the output are currently disable.


To shut down the current process in case of error, you have to set ‘MbsData.flag_stop’ to 1. Otherwhise the current computation module will continue ignoring the output.

MBsysPy.mbsyspy.utilities.utilities.set_output_value(value, val_index, label)

Send a value at a specific location of an output vector.

  • value (float) – Value to be saved.

  • val_index (int) – index in the output vector where the value must be saved. This index must be at least 1 and maximum equal to the size specified with the function ‘define_output_vector()’.

  • label (str) – The name of the output. It must have been defined with the function

  • ‘define_output_vector()’.

  • Retuns

  • ——

  • status (int) – The status of the function, negative if an error occurs. A value of “-1” means that the output are currently disable.


To shut down the current process computation in case of error, you have to set ‘MbsData.flag_stop’ to 1. Otherwhise the current module will continue ignoring the output.

MBsysPy.mbsyspy.utilities.utilities.set_output_vector(vec, label)

Send an entire vector as output.

The size of ‘vec’ must be equal to the size defined in the function ‘define_output_vector()’.

  • vec (list or numpy.ndarray) – Value to be saved as a list or a numpy array.

  • label (str) – The name of the output. It must have been defined with the function

  • ‘define_output_vector()’.

  • Retuns

  • ——

  • status (int) – The status of the function, negative if an error occurs. A value of “-1” means that the output are currently disable.


To shut down the current process computation in case of error, you have to set ‘MbsData.flag_stop’ to 1. Otherwhise the current module will continue ignoring the output.

MBsysPy.mbsyspy.utilities.utilities.str_from_c_pointer(address, default_name=None)

Read the string at the provided address.

If the address is ‘NULL’ (‘None’ in Python), the default name is returned.

  • address (int) – Value of the address.

  • default_name (str, optional) – The default name to return if the adress is invalid (None). The default is None.


The string at the address, or the default name.

Return type



Convert str to bytes using ‘utf-8’ encoding.

In python3 strings type is ‘str’ while the memory in the C-libraries is an array of bytes. When setting a string in the C-memory from a string defined in Python we have to ensure to provide a string that have the type ‘bytes’.

In python2 the type of strings may be ‘str’ or ‘unicode’. A similar conversion is required.


message (str or unicode or bytes) – Message to be converted, if needed, in ‘bytes’ type (or ‘str’ compatible with bytes in Python2).


  • The same message provided byt as a ‘bytes’ type with ‘utf-8’ encoding (or

  • ’str’ compatible with bytes in Python2)