Robotran C Documentation
user_realtime_options.c File Reference

let the user select real-time options different from the default ones More...

#include "mbs_data.h"
#include "mbs_project_fct_ptr.h"
#include "realtime.h"


void user_realtime_options (MbsData *mbs_data, Realtime_option *options)
 modify the real-time options More...

Detailed Description

let the user select real-time options different from the default ones

Nicolas Van der Noot

In order to use C++ features, you just need to change the extension of this file (.c) to .cc (or .cpp).

Function Documentation

◆ user_realtime_options()

void user_realtime_options ( MbsData mbs_data,
Realtime_option options 

modify the real-time options

[in]mbs_dataRobotran main structure
[out]optionsreal-time options

These are the options that the user can configure:

  • Simulation options
    • options->t0: initial simulation time s
    • options->tf: final simulation time [s] (default: mbs_dirdyn->options->tf)
    • options->dt0: simulation time step [s] (default: mbs_dirdyn->options->dt0)
    • options->buffer_size: size of the buffer for 3D visualization and sdl (default: -1). This size corresponds to the number of time steps saved to analyze what happened back in time. When the buffers are full, they erase the oldest values with the new ones (rotating buffer). If you put a value <= 0, the size is automatically computed so that the buffer is big enough for the whole simulation.
    • options->init_speed_factor: initial speed factor (default: 1.0) For speed factors equal or higher than one, this factor should be an integer. For speed factors in ]0;1[, this factor is set as 2^x, where x is a negative integer. So, if your factor does not match these requirements, it will be rounded to fulfill them. Note: there is a minimal speed factor value related to the simulation time step and to the refreshment rate of the plots and the visualization. min speed factor = mbs_dirdyn->options->dt0 * max(options->fqc_screen, options->fqc_visu) Modify these options for very slow motions.
  • Plots options
    • options->flag_plot: 1 to activate SDL plots features (and keyboard/joystick interactions), 0 otherwise (default: 1)
    • options->curve_width: curves width in number of pixels (default: 3)
    • options->screen_width: plot screen width in number of pixels (default: 660)
    • options->screen_height: plot screen height in number of pixels (default: 520) For 'screen_width' and 'screen_height', pay attention that the plot layout was optimized for a size of 660x520. Consequently, layout could be deteriorated in some cases if you modify it, especially when you decrease these values.
    • options->max_nb_curves: maximum number of curves plotted (default: 12)
    • options->max_nb_legends: maximum number of curves legends indicated (default: 6)
    • options->y_min_init: initial lower bound for the y values plotted (default: -1.0)
    • options->y_max_init: initial upper bound for the y values plotted (default: 1.0)
    • options->init_break: 1 to start with a break, 0 otherwise (default: 0)
    • options->final_break: 1 to finish with a break, 0 otherwise (default: 0)
    • options->color_tab[i]: colors of the curves (default: 0:BLUE_SDL, 1:RED_SDL, 2:DARK_GREEN_SDL, 3:PURPLE_SDL, 4:ORANGE_SDL, 5:LIGHT_BLUE_SDL, 6:PINK_SDL, 7:TURQUOISE_SDL, 8:LIGHT_GREEN_SDL, 9: DARK_YELLOW_SDL, 10:YELLOW_SDL, 11:GREEN_SDL). You can modify some curve colors, replacing 'i' by a number between 0 and 11 (included). Use the colors listed in the default values. For instance: 'options->color_tab[0] = ORANGE_SDL;'. If you have more than 12 curves, the curve index modulo 12 is used to determine the colour.
    • options->fqc_screen: frequence of the SDL plots refreshment Hz This frequence also determines the speed of the moving cursor.
  • Java visualization options
    • options->flag_visu: 1 to activate Java visualization features, 0 otherwise (default: 1) Activating the Java visualization features might prevent you from using a debugger. Consequently, it is better to set this flag to 0 before entering in debugging mode. Also, when a seg fault appears in the code and the Java visualization features are activated, a Java error message will appear. This does not mean that the error is related to Java.
    • options->nb_models: number of .mbs models to load (default: 1)
    • options->nb_q[i]: number of joints in the .mbs files used for visualization of model i (see 'nb_models') (default: mbs_data->njoint for nb_q[0]; 0 for the others) 'nb_q' has a size of 20. If 'nb_models' is more than 20, you have to manually deallocate and reallocate it to a size of 'nb_models'.
    • options->mbs_file[i]: path and file name for the .mbs file used for Java visualization for model i (default: .mbs file indicated in workR, in 'mbs_load', for mbs_file[0]; NULL for the others) 'mbs_file' has a size of 20. If 'nb_models' is more than 20, you have to manually deallocate and reallocate it to a size of 'nb_models'.
    • options->start_viewpoint: initial visualization viewpoint ID, defined in the .mbs file (default: 0). Use -1 to start with the default viewpoint when opening MBSysPad.
    • options->fqc_visu: frequence of the 3D visualization refreshment Hz

example: options->y_min_init = 0.0; options->y_max_init = 10.0;