#include <mbs_load_struct.h>
◆ config_file
Configuration file at json format.
This file alter the loaded multibody file allowing to define user model values. The default value is NULL.
◆ load_symb_user
Specify the project libraries to be loaded, an enumeration gives possible values:
- LOAD_NONE : Do not load any project-secific function.
- LOAD_SYMBOLIC : Only load the symbolic functions.
- LOAD_ALL : Load the symbolic and the user functions (default).
◆ prj_path
Folder containing the project root folder (by default it contains the folders "animationR", "dataR ...).
◆ symbolicLib_name
◆ symbolicLib_path
◆ userfctLib_name
◆ userfctLib_path
◆ verbose
Verbosity level (not yet implemented everywhere): Verbosity level propagated to other compatible module:
- MBS_VERBOSE_ERROR: Only print error related messages;
- MBS_VERBOSE_WARNING: Print error and warning related messages;
- MBS_VERBOSE_ALL: Print all normal release messages (default);
- MBS_VERBOSE_DEBUG: Maximal verbosity level;
The default is 2.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: