Robotran C Documentation
Macros | Functions
cholesky.c File Reference
#include "mbs_lapack.h"
#include "mbs_message.h"
#include "mbs_errors_names.h"


#define MSG_ERR   ">> CHOLESKY>> "
#define MSG_PRE   " >> "


int mbs_choldc_0 (double **A, int n)
 Compute the Cholesky decomposition of A, i.e. More...
int mbs_cholsl_0 (double **A, int n, double **B, int nb)
 Solves a symmetric positive definite system of linear equations AX=B (B being the right hand side with possibly more than 1 column) using the Cholesky factorization computed by mbs_choldc_0 in COL MAJOR ! More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MSG_ERR   ">> CHOLESKY>> "


#define MSG_PRE   " >> "

Function Documentation

◆ mbs_choldc_0()

int mbs_choldc_0 ( double **  A,
int  n 

Compute the Cholesky decomposition of A, i.e.

the upper triangular matrix L

/!\/!\/!\ the upper triangular matrix is expressed in COL major /!\/!\/!\

WARNING: A is modified !

[in,out]A: IN : real symmetric positive definite matrix. OUT: in COLUMN major the leading N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper triangular part of the matrix A

◆ mbs_cholsl_0()

int mbs_cholsl_0 ( double **  A,
int  n,
double **  B,
int  nb 

Solves a symmetric positive definite system of linear equations AX=B (B being the right hand side with possibly more than 1 column) using the Cholesky factorization computed by mbs_choldc_0 in COL MAJOR !

WARNING: B is modified and the solution is stored in the matrix !

/!\/!\/!\ the B and the X(solution) matrices are expressed in COL major /!\/!\/!\

[in,out]ACOLUMN major the leading N-by-N upper triangular part of A contains the upper triangular part of the matrix A
[in]nsize of the A matrix
[in,out]BOn entry - In COLUMN major - the right hand side matrix B. On exit - In COLUMN major - the solution matrix X.
[in]nbnumber of vectors for the RHS matrix B.