Robotran C Documentation
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MbsPolynomial Struct Reference

#include <mbs_polynomial.h>

Public Attributes

int order
 Order of the polynomial, positive or null ie: More...
double * coef
 Array containing the coefficients, the number of coefficient is order + 1. More...

Detailed Description

Structure defining the polynomial for MBsysC.

The coefficient are ordered from highest power to constant term. This ordering is chosen as the derivative of the polynomial only read for the highest term. So the most read values are located at the begining of the array.

Member Data Documentation

◆ coef

double* coef

Array containing the coefficients, the number of coefficient is order + 1.

The coefficient are ordered from the highest power to the constant term.

◆ order

int order

Order of the polynomial, positive or null ie:

  • 0: p(x) = a (constant)
  • 1: p(x) = ax + b (linear)
  • 2: p(x) = ax² + bx + c (quadratic)
  • 3: p(x) = ax³ + bx² + cx + d (cubic)
  • ...

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