double | norm_h |
double | NRerr |
int | MAX_NR_ITER |
| max number of iteration for NR procedure More...
int | n_iter_close_loop |
| number of iterations after closing loop procedure in mbs_close_geo More...
double * | h |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [Ncons] (or NULL if Ncons==0). More...
double ** | Jac |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [Ncons x njoint] (or NULL if Ncons==0). More...
double * | huserc |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [Nuserc] (or NULL if Nuserc==0). More...
double ** | Juserc |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [Nuserc x njoint] (or NULL if Nuserc==0). More...
double ** | mJv |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [Ncons x nqv] (or NULL if Ncons==0). More...
int * | ind_mJv |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [Ncons] (or NULL if Ncons==0). More...
double * | Qc |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [nqc]. More...
double * | mJv_h |
| Value of the independant constraints ( ) More...
int | nquc |
| store nqu+nqc More...
int * | iquc |
double ** | Juct |
double ** | Bvuc |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [nqv x nquc] (or NULL if Nuserc==0). More...
double * | Jvtlambda |
| Intermediate array to store and compute lambda. More...
double ** | Jvt |
int * | ind_Jvt |
int * | qrot_qu_indvec |
| vec [ivec_1, njoint] containing 1 or 0, depending on the nature of the joint : if rotational AND qu => 1, else 0 (default is zero) More...
int * | qrot_qc_indvec |
| vec [ivec_1, njoint] containing 1 or 0, depending on the nature of the joint : if rotational AND qc => 1, else 0 (default is zero) More...
int * | qrot_qv_indvec |
| vec [ivec_1, njoint] containing 1 or 0, depending on the nature of the joint : if rotational AND qv => 1, else 0 (default is zero) More...
double * | jdqd |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [Ncons]. More...
double * | jdqduserc |
double * | bp |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [Ncons] (or NULL if Ncons==0). More...
MbsSensor * | psens |
double * | q_save |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
int | close_anim |
double ** | M |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [njoint x njoint]. More...
double * | c |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
double * | F |
| vector of size [njoint] that containts c(q,qd)-Q(q,qd) More...
double ** | BtMvu |
double ** | BtMB |
| Arrays (index starting at 1) of size [(nqu + nqc) x (nqu + nqc)]. More...
double ** | BtMvv |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [(nqu + nqc) x nqv]. More...
double * | BtFv |
double * | MBMb |
| Vectors (index starting at 1) of size [nqu]. More...
double ** | Mruc |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [(nqu + nqc) x (nqu + nqc)]. More...
double * | Fruc |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [nqu + nqc]. More...
double ** | Mr |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [nqu x nqu]. More...
double * | Fr |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [nqu]. More...
double * | p_Mr |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [nqu]. More...
int * | compute_Qc_vec |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
double * | Qa |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
double ** | A |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [nqu x njoint]. More...
int * | ind_A |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
double * | b |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
double * | w |
| Vector (index starting at 1) of size [njoint]. More...
double ** | v |
| Array (index starting at 1) of size [njoint x njoint]. More...
double * | phi |
| vector of size [njoint x 1] that contains the results of symbolic file invdyna. More...
double * | R |
| vector of size [njoint x 1] that contains R=phi-c; (unconstrained equations of motion for the mbs on residual form) More...
double * | Rruc |
| vector of size [nqu+nqc x 1] that contains the reduced residue for the equations of motions after the first reduction (dependent variables) More...
double * | Rred |
| vector of size [nqu x 1] that contains the reduced residue of the equations of motion after the second reduction (driven variables) More...