Robotran C Documentation
Enumerations | Functions
integrator.h File Reference

This header defines specific integrators functions in C. More...

#include "mbs_data.h"
#include "mbs_aux.h"

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enum  {
  RK4, Dopri5, Rosenbrock, EulerEx,
  Eulaire, EulerIm, Bader, WMethods,
  AlphaM, Custom
 Enumeration of the possible integrator for dirdyn. More...


void set_integrator (MbsDirdyn *dd)
 Set the function pointer in MbsDirdyn. More...
void print_warnings_integrator (MbsData *mbs_data, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd, int type_of_integrator)
 Check the options set by user to warn him when he modified an unused option for the integrator. More...
void print_warnings_constant_step_integrator (MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd, char *integrator_name)
 Print the warning message, called by print_warnings_integrator for constant step size dt integrators. More...
void print_warnings_explicit_integrator (MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd, char *integrator_name)
 Print the warning message, called by print_warnings_integrator for explicit integrators. More...
int rk4 (double y[], double dydx[], int n, double x, double h, double yout[], int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *dd)
 Runge Kutta 4 integrator implementation Given values for the variables y[1..n] and their derivatives dydx[1..n] known at x, use the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to advance the solution over an interval h and return the incremented variables as yout[1..n], which need not be a distinct array from y. More...
int rosenbrock (int n, int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), double *x, double y[], double eps, double hmax, double htry, long nmax, double dydx[], double yscal[], double *hnext, MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *dd, double *hdid)
 Fourth-order Rosenbrock step for integrating stiff problems, with monitoring of local truncation error to adjust stepsize. More...
int ThetaSC (double y[], double dydx[], int n, double x, double h, double yout[], int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *dd)
 Unknown integrator. More...
int mbs_estim_jac_acc (double x, double htry, double y[], double dydx[], int compute_dfdx, double dfdx[], double **dfdy, int n, int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *dd)
 Evaluate the Jacobian of a function accelerations using finite difference. More...
int mbs_freeze_jac (int freeze_index, int *next_freeze_index, double x, double h, double y[], double dydx[], int compute_dfdx, double dfdx[], double **dfdy, double dydx_freeze[], double dfdx_freeze[], double **dfdy_freeze, int n, int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd)
 Freeze the Jacobian of an integrator structure until mbs_dd->options->n_freeze. More...
int euler_implicit (double y[], double dydx[], int n, double *x, double h, double yout[], int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd)
 Euler Implicit integrator implementation. More...
int w_methods (double y[], double dydx[], int n, double x, double h, double yout[], int(*derivs)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *), MbsData *s, MbsDirdyn *mbs_dd)
 W Methods integrator implementation. More...

Detailed Description

This header defines specific integrators functions in C.

Creation date: May 2018

Sebastien Timmermans, Olivier Lantsoght

(c) Universite catholique de Louvain

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Enumeration of the possible integrator for dirdyn.

// Set the integrator in main : mbs_dirdyn->options->integrator = Dopri5; mbs_dirdyn->options->resfilename = "dirdyn_Dopri5";

Adding a custom integrator can be done using the "Custom" keyword and modifying the files mbs_custom.c / .h


Function Documentation

◆ euler_implicit()

int euler_implicit ( double  y[],
double  dydx[],
int  n,
double *  x,
double  h,
double  yout[],
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn mbs_dd 

Euler Implicit integrator implementation.

@source (adapted from) Arnold M. et al, Linearly implicit time integration methods in real-time applications: DAEs and stiff ODEs Multibody System Dynamics, 2007, 17:99–117

ystate vector of variable
dydxderivative of y by x
nnumber of variables
xcurrent time value, at which the function needs to be computed
htime step
youtsolution of the incremented variables
derivsthe function computing f'
sthe MbsData structure of the model on which dirdyn analysis is computed.
mbs_ddthe MbsDirdyn structure related to the integration.
error_code Return a negative number if something went wrong, 0 otherwise

calls an external function

A = (- h* Jv - h*h * Jp )

A = ( I - * Jv - h * h * Jp)

add 1/h in diagonal terms (identity matrix)

Compute the product : Jp * Xv

B = qdd + h * Jp * Xv

delta p = Xv + h * delta v

with delta v = B

Xv (n+1) with delta v = B

Xp (n+1)

◆ mbs_estim_jac_acc()

int mbs_estim_jac_acc ( double  x,
double  htry,
double  y[],
double  dydx[],
int  compute_dfdx,
double  dfdx[],
double **  dfdy,
int  n,
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn dd 

Evaluate the Jacobian of a function accelerations using finite difference.

Modify and do not restore dydx. WARNING: All vector/matrix indexes start at 0! Update the value of dfdx and dfdy.

xcurrent time value, at which the function needs to be computed
htrytime step
ystate vector of variable
compute_dfdxflag to ON to compute the dfdx terms, default = 1 ; if compute_dfdx = 0 => dfdx is filled with zeroes
dydxderivative of y by x
dfdxderivative of f by x
dfdyderivative of f by y
nnumber of variables
derivsthe function computing f'
sthe MbsData structure of the model on which dirdyn analysis is computed.
ddthe MbsDirdyn structure related to the integration.
Error status, <0 in case of failure.

◆ mbs_freeze_jac()

int mbs_freeze_jac ( int  freeze_index,
int *  next_freeze_index,
double  x,
double  h,
double  y[],
double  dydx[],
int  compute_dfdx,
double  dfdx[],
double **  dfdy,
double  dydx_freeze[],
double  dfdx_freeze[],
double **  dfdy_freeze,
int  n,
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn mbs_dd 

Freeze the Jacobian of an integrator structure until mbs_dd->options->n_freeze.

WARNING: All vector/matrix indexes start at 0!

freeze_indexcurrent count of refreezing steps (if 0, recompute Jac)
next_freeze_index[out] pointor to next refreezing step
xcurrent time value, at which the function needs to be computed
htime step
ystate vector of variable
dydxderivative of y by x
compute_dfdxflag to ON to compute the dfdx terms, default = 1 ; if compute_dfdx = 0 => dfdx is filled with zeroes
dfdxderivative of f by x
dfdyderivative of f by y
dydx_freezepointor to freezed derivative of y by x
dfdx_freezepointor to freezed derivative of f by x
dfdy_freezepointor to freezed derivative of f by y
nnumber of variables
derivsthe function computing f'
sthe MbsData structure of the model on which dirdyn analysis is computed.
mbs_ddthe MbsDirdyn structure related to the integration.
Error status, <0 in case of failure.

◆ print_warnings_constant_step_integrator()

void print_warnings_constant_step_integrator ( MbsDirdyn mbs_dd,
char *  integrator_name 

Print the warning message, called by print_warnings_integrator for constant step size dt integrators.

mbs_ddMbsDirdyn structure
integrator_namestring to print in the warning message, corresponding to the integrator (RK4, EulerEx, ...)

◆ print_warnings_explicit_integrator()

void print_warnings_explicit_integrator ( MbsDirdyn mbs_dd,
char *  integrator_name 

Print the warning message, called by print_warnings_integrator for explicit integrators.

mbs_ddMbsDirdyn structure
integrator_namestring to print in the warning message, corresponding to the integrator (RK4, EulerEx, ...)

◆ print_warnings_integrator()

void print_warnings_integrator ( MbsData mbs_data,
MbsDirdyn mbs_dd,
int  type_of_integrator 

Check the options set by user to warn him when he modified an unused option for the integrator.

mbs_dataMbsData structure
mbs_ddMbsDirdyn structure
type_of_integratorID if the used integrator (RK4, Dopri5...)

◆ rk4()

int rk4 ( double  y[],
double  dydx[],
int  n,
double  x,
double  h,
double  yout[],
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn dd 

Runge Kutta 4 integrator implementation Given values for the variables y[1..n] and their derivatives dydx[1..n] known at x, use the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to advance the solution over an interval h and return the incremented variables as yout[1..n], which need not be a distinct array from y.

The user supplies the routine derivs(x,y,dydx), which returns derivatives dydx at x.

ystate vector of variable
dydxderivative of y by x
nnumber of variables
xcurrent time value, at which the function needs to be computed
htime step
youtsolution of the incremented variables
derivsThe function computing f'
sthe MbsData structure of the model on which dirdyn analysis is computed.
ddthe MbsDirdyn structure related to the integration.
Error status, <0 in case of failure.

◆ rosenbrock()

int rosenbrock ( int  n,
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
double *  x,
double  y[],
double  eps,
double  hmax,
double  htry,
long  nmax,
double  dydx[],
double  yscal[],
double *  hnext,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn dd,
double *  hdid 

Fourth-order Rosenbrock step for integrating stiff problems, with monitoring of local truncation error to adjust stepsize.

Input are the dependent variable vector y[1..n] and its derivative dydx[1..n] at the starting value of the independent variable x. WARNING: this feature has not been heavily tested !

@source: H. H. Rosenbrock, "Some general implicit processes for the numerical solution of differential equations", The Computer Journal (1963) 5(4): 329-330 Shampine, L.F. 1982, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 8, pp. 93–113

nDimension of y
derivsThe function computing f'
xValue of x
yInitial y values, index starting at 0
epsThe required accuracy
hmaxThe maximum stepsize allowed
htryThe stepsize to be attempted
nmaxThe maximal number of allowed steps to reach tolerances
dydxInitial y derivative values, index starting at 0
yscalThe vector [0..n-1] against which the error is scaled, index starting at 0
hnextThe estimated next stepsize
sThe MbsData structure of the model on which dirdyn analysis is computed.
ddThe MbsDirdyn structure related to the integration.
hdidThe stepsize that was actually accomplished
error_code Return a negative number if something went wrong, 0 otherwise

calls an external function

◆ set_integrator()

void set_integrator ( MbsDirdyn dd)

Set the function pointer in MbsDirdyn.

ddMbsDirdyn structure to adapt

◆ ThetaSC()

int ThetaSC ( double  y[],
double  dydx[],
int  n,
double  x,
double  h,
double  yout[],
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn dd 

Unknown integrator.

Error status, <0 in case of failure.

◆ w_methods()

int w_methods ( double  y[],
double  dydx[],
int  n,
double  x,
double  h,
double  yout[],
int(*)(double, double[], double[], MbsData *, MbsDirdyn *)  derivs,
MbsData s,
MbsDirdyn mbs_dd 

W Methods integrator implementation.

@source (adapted from) Arnold M. et al, Linearly implicit time integration methods in real-time applications: DAEs and stiff ODEs Multibody System Dynamics, 2007, 17:99–117

ystate vector of variable
dydxderivative of y by x
nnumber of variables
xcurrent time value, at which the function needs to be computed
htime step
youtsolution of the incremented variables
derivsthe function computing f'
sthe MbsData structure of the model on which dirdyn analysis is computed.
mbs_ddthe MbsDirdyn structure related to the integration.
error_code Return a negative number if something went wrong, 0 otherwise

calls an external function

A = (- h* Jv - h*h * Jp )

A = ( I - * Jv - h * h * Jp)

add 1/h in diagonal terms (identity matrix)


useless if s<2

sum alpha + gamma

Jp * Xv

Complete right-hand term B

B = f + h * Jp * Xv gamma +

delta p = Xv + h * delta v